➜ ~ whoami
- A coffee-addict *nix wizard
- Traveller
- Pythonista and Gopher
- Tinker around Containers Linux Infrastructure Cloud Native
- An Open Source Enthusiast
- Part of Open Source communities - #dgplug, Python India, Kubernetes
➜ ~ from rayan import work
➜ ~ from rayan import location
➜ ~ from rayan import skills
- Python Go C
- Django Flask Postgres
- Git Nginx
- Kubernetes Docker Terraform Ansible
➜ ~ from rayan import certifications
➜ ~ from rayan import interests
- Travelling
- Cooking
- Photography
- Gaming
➜ ~ from rayan import gpg_fingerprint
- 78B4 4DEF 5455 951E C7A5 91BB 3B06 A834 8A9F 8BF3